Friday, October 31, 2008

The best laid plans... are posted on blogs at the last minute:

From Antonio Diaz, Texas Indigenous Council:

Native people celebrate death as it is a part of the circle of life, there is not need to fear physical death, the death of innocence on the other hand is a sad thing indeed.  We will be going to Taylor on Saturday, November 1 to recognize the Death of Innocence of the Children Detained at T. Don Hutto Prison.  November 1st is know as "Dia do los Inocentes," Dia do los Muertes from November 1st to the 2nd.  This loss of innocence due to incarceration because of greed of private prison corporations like Corrections Corp. of Ameria must be addressed and the policy of fear and division that allows for rampant greed to dictate immoral immigration legislation much come to an end.  Ending the Catch and Release program will be the first step to bring justice into immigration reform.  Join us if you are able: 6-8 pm, Saturday, November 1st at the T. Don Hutto Residential Center.  For more info, call Antonio Diaz at (210) 396-9805.